1. Plant homo, names?
Almost all plants have both female and male reproduction system. So u can say they r homo, bisexual or heterosexual if u want
2. Animals homo names?
Nobody really denies animals r homo. But if u want names,
dolpihn, penguins, beetles, sheep, fruit bats, ostrich, flamingo and orangutans
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/07/0722_040722_gayanimal.html3. Homosexuality biological fact?
I have pasted so much links on here already before

I just restick all of them again
http://allpsych.com/journal/homosexuality.htmlD.F. Swaab conducted the next noteworthy experiment in 1990. This experiment became the first to document a physiological difference in the anatomical structure of a gay man's brain. Swaab found in his post-mortem examination of homosexual males' brains that a portion of the hypothalamus of the brain was structurally different than a heterosexual brain. The hypothalamus is the portion of the human brain directly related to sexual drive and function. In the homosexual brains examined, a small portion of the hypothalamus, termed the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), was found to be twice the size of its heterosexual counterpart [2]. At the same time, another scientist, Laura S. Allen made a similar discovery in the hypothalamus as well. She found that the anterior commissure (AC) of the hypothalamus was also significantly larger in the homosexual subjects than that of the heterosexuals [2]. Both Swaab's and Allen's results became a standing ground for the biological argument on homosexuality. The very fact that the AC and the SCN are not involved in the regulation of sexual behavior makes it highly unlikely that the size differences results from differences in sexual behavior. Rather the size differences came prenatally during sexual differentiation. The size and shape of the human brain is determined biologically and is impacted minutely, if at all by behavior of any kind. More of tat website on nature do cause an effect. It is a balace website, from the psycology journal
http://wiki.cotch.net/index.php/The_gay_geneYes. Even without direct evidence of individual genes we could be confident in predicting that, like almost all aspects of behaviour, sexual orientation has multiple biological and cultural influences. As it is, there is a growing pile of evidence from multiple areas of research that give us an idea of exactly what the biological influences, both genetic and non-genetic, may be.
One gene in particular has been associated with male homosexuality. A gene on the X chromosome has been shown to be present in a significantly larger proportion of homosexuals to heterosexuals. It is clear that this gene is not "the gay gene" described by the media, as its presence of absence alone does not determine sexual orientation.
There are strong indications of a link between male homosexuality and the pre-natal environment, including birth-order and the mother's blood pressure and androgen (male hormone) levels, which can be traced back to an interaction of the mother's environment and genes (see below). From wiki
My point is you can't apply what happens in the animal kingdom to human beings like comparing apples with apples. Hell, the female praying mantis? eats up the head of its main counterpart, and that is considered natural. You can't say the same for human beings.
However the animals do commit such acts, like homosexual. God created animals and ther r unfallen or have not sinned. They r in the form god always intended. He made animals gays, tat means he have little problems with homosexual. When u mention about praying mantis ripping off another head, to me, if a god exist tat create the praying mantis, the only conclusion I get is god is a cruel being to force another to kill another. If animals do it, it shows it is not cultural or manmade factors tat made certain people gay.
Not so much in Singapore.
I think gay marriages are approved in the name of liberty and not after medical research?
The bottomline is there r laws have accomodate gays marriage. So just quoting singapore laws is not useful. It could be after much medical research
How they tell you? Popular conception is often misconception. It is the same with people's understanding of the gospel too.
I never meet anyone who told me about buddhist things. Yet I just know about their teachings possible from self study, much like wat i know about chritianity.
If one defines natural as what is good and right before God, what is supposed to be happening etc, then only the pre-Fall period fits the criteria.
Death is unnatural too. God told the couple if they makan the fruit they will die. Why you think reproduction did not happen before the fall?
I define things in the world as either man made or natural. I believe tis definition is wat most people do know. If u define natural as wat is good in the period before adam fall, then reproduction is also unnatural and having sex with a heterosexual regardless of reasons is unnatural and a sin. It will be as low as homosexual
Is the research conclusive enough to show the genetic basis of homosexuality?
Yes. It shows nature do plays a part.
Vague. What is the difference? They can still walk, run and talk like hetero.
the brain tat controls behavior is different. U can see more above