No, I am saying your assumption tat gays must be borned from gay parents are wrong. Gays can be from straight parents.Is this a strawman? I don't think I said that.
U really need to give me the definition of frolicking, and then tell me wat animals actually frolick to the point where the sperms will fly. THey r gonna use the hooves/flipers/claws or use their mouth to make the other party ejaculate ? Tis is discovery channel at its best ! Please explain to me.I said the scenario is fictitious. If you want to use 'foreplay' instead of frolicking, go ahead. It still doesn't change my main point.
If the chances is so little it can be ignored. It still boils down to the point tat animals r homo, they do not die out which is another sign tat it is naturalNote that even though you see cases of homo, it is not the case the whole species is homo. So for course they don't die out. But I believe the one that is homo should die out, as in genes don't get passed down. Maybe by being homo, overpopulation is reduced .. haha .. so homo is good at the expense of the homos.
But wat r we to say tat having sex in the anal is unnatural since it can really be physically done and animals r doing it. There is nothing man made involved isn't it ?The law says sodomy is unnatural .. lol .. dun ask me who is the law to say? If you believe in justice and equality, you need the law.
U r not answering the question tat medically and biologically speaking homosexual is different from heterosexual. There r many studies tat show the brain structure from homo and hetero r different. Why don't u answer to tat ?You just proven homos are more than a difference in sexual preferences?
It is not black and white as one either like girls totally or guys totally. There r in betweenThat is ok. Many people like power .. it is until you succumb to the dark side that is the problem.
with zealots like these who do more to damage the religion than to promote it, is it any wonder that they're being criminalised? deservedly.Originally posted by DriftingGuy:The flames of war rages on on a saturday morning..
/war-drums beating...Originally posted by HENG@:with zealots like these who do more to damage the religion than to promote it, is it any wonder that they're being criminalised? deservedly.
unfortunately u have overlooked 2 points. 1st, that the scriptures have been choosen because the men who choose them felt they best fit their own ideas n agendas. 2ndly, the scriptures themselves were written by men, whose human prejudices would have had an impact on what they wrote. perhaps u neglect to remember that the scriptures are not a direct memo penned by God himself.Originally posted by Icemoon:If one can show rather conclusively that what the 'zealots' think are reflected in Scripture, then they cannot be zealots.
This is why 'orthodox' Muslims rise up and defend their faith, when Islam was tarnished by those muslim terrorists.
if he believes that, then if he ever gets something like cancer, that is also natural and if he goes for treatment, that is going against nature, and thus against god's will. I guess then, any one who condemns homosexuality for being against nature are hypocrites if they aren't against cancer patients seeking medical treatment.Originally posted by lwflee:Again, Icemoon seems to adhere to the belief that all that is natural is good. Like i said that is not true.
My point of contention is that we should be able to engage in homosexuality because we want to.
Does Buddhism have more or less absolute truths? Like the monks won't even bother me if I don't believe in their concepts of karma or reincarnation or eightfold paths .. but does my belief make their beliefs less true?Originally posted by DriftingGuy:Compared to other religons, christianity has a long history of intolerance to other religons, e.g. buddhism
xtians especially those from 'wealth and health' churches will tell you cancer is not natural. Diseases are acts of the devil .. hahaOriginally posted by HENG@:I guess then, any one who condemns homosexuality for being against nature are hypocrites if they aren't against cancer patients seeking medical treatment.
My point here is not about which religon have more or less absolute truths... My point here is the intolerance on religon has for others..Originally posted by Icemoon:Does Buddhism have more or less absolute truths? Like the monks won't even bother me if I don't believe in their concepts of karma or reincarnation or eightfold paths .. but does my belief make their beliefs less true?
Maybe if I don't believe in reincarnation, I won't be reincarnated.
no. the point is, how can u say diseases are acts of the devil? viruses, bacteria are all as important parts of nature as we are, in fact sometimes more. is this what christianity is about? if its something that fits the church's human agendas, its "god's will" if it doesn't fit, then its "the work of the devil"? how very comforting to know.Originally posted by Icemoon:xtians especially those from 'wealth and health' churches will tell you cancer is not natural. Diseases are acts of the devil .. haha
Moreover the sanctity of life is important. No one in general should refuse treatment or refuse medication. If it is your time to go, you will go.
So you two are putting up a strawman here.
Playing tai chi again .. you should cc your qns to those from the wealth and health churches. There is one very big one in the west of Sg ..Originally posted by HENG@:Since bacteria and viruses are parts of nature, if u get sick because of them, its also an act of nature. If its so sinful to go against nature, then no one should seek medical treatment when they fall sick. So u can drop the "u 2 are putting up a strawman" line because u're not convincing at all. or have u run out of intelligent things to say, and thats the only line u can clutch on to pitifully?
this line is rubbish. u're using myths and pandora's box to talk about real life facts? u're the one who's putting up a strawman. not even a strawman, more like loose bundles of straw not resembling anything.Originally posted by Icemoon:Playing tai chi again .. you should cc your qns to those from the wealth and health churches. There is one very big one in the west of Sg ..
Sicknesses? did not exist before the Fall. So they are unnatural.
Hence you are still putting up a strawman.
You said that you cannot accept homosexuality because it is cleary not natural.One can argue along two lines. Trivially something can be natural, as in it exists in nature, but it brings no benefit to the organism itself (not referring to the species). In humans, if you are a straight homo, and if you don't do in vitro or ICSI, your genes die in your generation. I don't understand why anyone can call this natural? One can also argue it in the context of faith, blah blah .. this needs no explanation.
Heng pointed out that diseases occur naturally. Now you say, diseases are acts of the devil.Once again, I don't want to speak for those believers of 'health and wealth' gospel. Wait they sue me for twisting their teachings I cham. I just point out their belief. If you want to know the reason behind, ask them?
Ok, so i assume you have abandoned you "but its not natural" argument. Can i assume that you object to homosexuality because you perceive that the devil causes one to have homosexaul tendencies?Not really. Sins that one commited are not natural too. Before the Fall, there is no sin in mankind (even though the Fall of Satan preceded that of mankind)
Also, if you look at Vietnam, there is a limit on the number of people allowed to study for the priesthood. I know of a Vietnamese priest who went back to his hometown on a mission last year. He spoke of a young man whose ambition was to become a priest, but was denied a chance by the government as there is a quota in place.Originally posted by Icemoon:What a waste. The efforts of the jesuits were wasted.
But I think tourists are still able to worship? Read
Is this a strawman? I don't think I said that.Ok, so gays can be borned from straight parents. U believe in tat now right ?
I said the scenario is fictitious. If you want to use 'foreplay' instead of frolicking, go ahead. It still doesn't change my main point.Wat is your mainpoint ? tat homo animals do not hav sex with each other but instead forlick with their hooves and it send a sperm through the narrow paasage of a female species and she got impregnanted ?
Note that even though you see cases of homo, it is not the case the whole species is homo. So for course they don't die out. But I believe the one that is homo should die out, as in genes don't get passed down. Maybe by being homo, overpopulation is reduced .. haha .. so homo is good at the expense of the homosTat brings back to the frist point of tis post. I don't care if it is good or nto for the species. I wanna ask u if it is natural or not. From your post here, it seems u believe it is natural and there r animals being homo and they supposedly be borned from straight parents. Whether it is good or bad, I don't care
The law says sodomy is unnatural .. lol .. dun ask me who is the law to say? If you believe in justice and equality, you need the law.The law have changed to acknowledge gays is accepted. Some laws even approved gay marriages because recently medical facts have said they r natural.
You just proven homos are more than a difference in sexual preferences?I have proven tat homosexual have a fundamental difference in their structure. It is natural. Tis fundamental structure difference is used to explain their sexual preferences.
That is ok. Many people like power .. it is until you succumb to the dark side that is the problemHUh ?!?! Wat has tat got to do with the above !?!?
xtians especially those from 'wealth and health' churches will tell you cancer is not natural. Diseases are acts of the devil .. hahaLets not just say something and when it went wrong, push the explaining to other group. Why don't u state your personal belief and whether is dieseases natural or manmade. No one had ask u about wat the health and weath people think
Once again, I don't want to speak for those believers of 'health and wealth' gospel. Wait they sue me for twisting their teachings I cham. I just point out their belief. If you want to know the reason behind, ask them?
So will you blame them why they never told you?They do told. U r not a buddhist and u know about it. They just never force u to do anything special or extraordinary liek going to church etc
Sicknesses? did not exist before the Fall. So they are unnaturalTat is silly. Death does not exist before the fall too, so they r unnatural too ? Then if they r unnatural, the must be man made isn't it ? Then reproduction is unnatural since tat doesn;t exist before the fall too
In humans, if you are a straight homo, and if you don't do in vitro or ICSI, your genes die in your generationAs said in first point, it doesn't take a gay parent to make a gay. Perfectly straight parents can give birth to individualk with the higher tendency to become gays. As long as there is people reproducing, there will be people becoming gays. Everyone have the gene to "make gays".
I don't understand why anyone can call this natural?The structure of their body is different. U refuse to answer to tat point about tis found medical fact.
Bah, Communists. Let's overthrow them.Originally posted by iveco:Also, if you look at Vietnam, there is a limit on the number of people allowed to study for the priesthood. I know of a Vietnamese priest who went back to his hometown on a mission last year. He spoke of a young man whose ambition was to become a priest, but was denied a chance by the government as there is a quota in place.
Isnt he sarpose to be in heaven?Originally posted by stupidissmart:Jesus Christ ! (Exclamation tone) U r still here !