It is speaking against the sins, not the person.Originally posted by HENG@:sometimes i wonder if they have really learnt anything about religion, or are they just using the bible to justify and rationalize their own prejudices.
homosexuality is a sin? oh pleaseeeeeee. that already shows the prejudice of "christians"Originally posted by Icemoon:It is speaking against the sins, not the person.
In Singapore we find Christians helping prostitutes too, often at no cost (as in dun need them to convert).
To speak out against homosexuality is one thing, but to speak out against homosexuals is another.Originally posted by HENG@:speaking out against homosexuality? bloody homophobes. hiding behind the face of religion. cowards. whatever happened to "jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world"?
sometimes i wonder if they have really learnt anything about religion, or are they just using the bible to justify and rationalize their own prejudices.
thats the problem isn't it? that people even condem homosexuality. if we put gay sex aside, people condem even having gay FEELINGS as a sin. how awful people can be. There is something very wrong when homosexuality is even viewed as a sin. How abhorrent. How are u to have faith in the goodness of such people when they lack basic humanity.Originally posted by SingaporeMacross:To speak out against homosexuality is one thing, but to speak out against homosexuals is another.
There is nothing wrong with condemning the sin (gay sex), but it is not correct to condemn people. Love the sinner, but hate the crime.
Of course, whether you consider gay sex a sin is another point of discussion.
to be fair, christians are the reason why i lost any faith in humans and humanity.Originally posted by laurence82:To be fair
people do it to one another
Several German states are now considering banning wearing of headscarves by German Muslims. When questioned about the Catholic nun's wearing of habits, it was reasoned habits are the nuns' 'professional clothings' and should not be banned.
Same in France.
Homosexuality is not a sin. Homosexuals are just normal ppl like you and I.Originally posted by HENG@:homosexuality is a sin? oh pleaseeeeeee. that already shows the prejudice of "christians"
i seriously don't believe basic humanity involves a guy anal farking another guy for the fun of it.Originally posted by HENG@:There is something very wrong when homosexuality is even viewed as a sin. How abhorrent. How are u to have faith in the goodness of such people when they lack basic humanity.
It doesn't even make much sense in nature. Farking is for procreation. Our males don't lay eggs or carry eggs. So farking males goes against survivial principles.Originally posted by Ito_^:i seriously don't believe basic humanity involves a guy anal farking another guy for the fun of it.
Not normal in the naturalistic sense. Their "preference" mean that their genes will die off in their generation.Originally posted by SilverPal:Homosexuality is not a sin. Homosexuals are just normal ppl like you and I.
You have no faith in Christians.Originally posted by HENG@:thats the problem isn't it? that people even condem homosexuality. if we put gay sex aside, people condem even having gay FEELINGS as a sin. how awful people can be.
i couldn't have put it better myself. the question then is, is going against god's creations and god's will a sin in itself?Originally posted by stupidissmart:If there is a "nature" element in it, it just meant they r created to be gays by god but they r condemn to be a gay, which is not really "awfully good"
and what if you are the one who was wrong and condamming every word in the bible? or perhaps you are a homo?Originally posted by HENG@:And I'll ask all of u now, if u think that homosexuality is unnatural, then what about transexuality? Seriously, why do you find the need to condemn anything that is not normal? Who even defines nature? Nature is understood thru science, and science is still at such an infant age where the human mind cannot be understood. Homosexuality has existed for thousands of years. What makes u so sure that it is a sin in God's eyes? The Bible is not, and was never an accurate direct memo from God. It was written by man who have coloured and polluted it with their petty prejudices. Would u stake everything u have on saying that the bible is 100% accurate, and is worded exactly as God willed? what if it is you who has been misled and u have been speaking out against God's will? Wouldn't you be the sinners then? Take some time out to think. Religion isn't about blind faith.
Crimes had been commited in the name of the Lord, like the Inquisition and the Crusades. However, take note of two points, quite diametrically opposite each other:Originally posted by HENG@:Icemoon, I have no faith in Jesus. Simply because he has allowed fanatics to hide behind his name for their own prejudices.
Who even defines nature? Nature is understood thru science, and science is still at such an infant age where the human mind cannot be understood. Homosexuality has existed for thousands of years.Told you liao. Until you can give me a convincing explanation that homosexuality chances survival, you die die also must accept homosexuals are not "natural", literally. Come on, they violate the first principles of an organism - reproduction. And sexual preferences is geared for that, assuming genes come from male and female.
what if it is you who has been misled and u have been speaking out against God's will? Wouldn't you be the sinners then? Take some time out to think. Religion isn't about blind faith.The Bible is supposed to be read with the Holy Spirit's guidance.