then where did u get the idea that nothing can be created out of nothing?Originally posted by stupidissmart:quote:what i meant was that maybe science is very different in God's world compared to ours.....................
Okie, where do u get tat info ? Why do u come to tis conclusion ?
I believe in God.Originally posted by dragg:what do you believe then if not god? evolution, alien blah blah blah? care to share?
the universe is how big.........our scientists only can search on a tiny part of it.Originally posted by mach10:I believe in God.
not evolution, if man really come from apes... WHY then, there are still so many monkeys, gorrilas, orang utans, and chimpanzees around?
Charles Darwin, who wrote the evolution theory believed in God before he died. and said all that he written are false theories.
For those who mught think about Big bang theory... if u guys ever heard about that...
Let me ask... if all matter comes together to a force... den how come it exploded if its gravity in nature?
Just like magnet dun disperse in force, matters that it attracted.
can anybody think for a moment, why we on earth, and not mars, or venus, or other planets? why specifically earth? if everything happens like Big Bang Theory says, den there jolly well be life in other planets... but as far as so, scientists found no life there...
do u show love to your neighbour when he send people to hell ? Probably all muslim, taoist hindis goes to hell if christianity is right. Tat isn't very loving if u ask me. U show me tis parable for wat Rolling Eyeserr
Personally i see nothing about loving neighbours to keeping the sabbath day holyJesus commanded us to love God AND our neighbors. Two commandments. Not just one. And loving our neighbours is out of obedience and love of God. So the second can encapsulate it.
if u ask me, u just see only the verses which u agree and totally ignore the other parts of the bible. Frankly if u read the quran, hindu, buddhist scripture and consider only the things tat made sense to u, they too will sound good. If u want u can probably hear many touching stories tat speaks of being fillial etc if u read these stories as well.honestly i feel insulted. i believe in the entire Bible. its the word of God. and may i know why i do give you the impression that i ignore parts of the Bible? i may hear stories, real life accounts, touching stories, and they are proof to me there are some good in this world. Sometimes the Holy Spirit speaks to us through events, works, and even in the most adverse of situations!
Tat is extreme right ? U don't have to blame me for it, it is written in the bible as such. I didn't write tat verse down. U ask people not to judge, but the law clearly ask people to judge people. So how can one keep both verses true at the same time ?i did explain about the dangers of taking the Bible out of context. would you compare Adolf Hitler to Julius Caesar? Different times, different scenarios. And things would be done very differently. For example, in Exodus, the LORD God made Isaac's wife appear before Abraham's servant as a lady drawing water out of a well. It might form the bedrock for today's romantic relationships where we may believe that God has chosen a partner to complement us. But does that mean we need to go scoping for every lady near a well? Here, you are referring to the book of Deutronomy. If you were to look at the NT with a fresh perspective, you might notice Jesus Christ did no such things? Who came later? Jesus. At a different time. Because times had changed.
if u just read the OT, they already provided ample laws to kill jesus. They tell them to kill off any person who claim they r prophets and lead the people to other religion, which jesus truly does. U say they r selfish etc, tat is because u do not choose to see the picture from the other side of the story. Why don't u answer according to the OT at tat time, does the priests have the right to kill jesus ?why refer to OT? OT is irrelevant because Jesus did not exist then. Not joking here. For example, consider our laws? During the time of the British, there were many laws regarding the usage of horses (obviously no motorcars then). All these laws no longer exist. Would you say we reinstate them and make them applicable to all recreational horses (i.e. the ones at the Turf Club)? hope u get to see my idea here. Even during the OT times, the priests can't even harm Jesus. Why? Thou shalt not murder were one of the commandments Moses brougt down!
why not ? Rolling Eyes U mean the person who cannot go to his "father" can stay in heaven with him ?Err, if you dun acknowledge God exists. Your soul go to a place where there is no God. I would not bother describing that place for I have acknowledged Him, and that knowledge would be irrelevant. The place is described in the Bible anyway... i think its called limbo according to catechism. Its a place where there is an absence of God.
Isn't god perfect and don't change with time ? So the other people who had lived in the harsh laws of OT victims ?God is perfect! God never changes! But we do! Our world changes! Our status quo keeps changing! Thats why Heaven is paradise because there is true happiness and its constant! I mean during Moses' time, a burning bush would be considered something miraculous... but that effect would be lost on us today? Even so, our hazy skies would hide the star that led the 3 wise men to a lowly manger one clear night? Its us who change. God accomodates us by making His laws all the more clear to us for us to understand His laws in out current culture and timeframe better
U can omit facts but u can't state something which is wrong. If everyone can be saved regardless of whether he believe in him or not, he shouldn't tell people tat only people who believe in him can be saved. Isn't tat lying ?err what facts did i omit? everyone DURING and AFTER Jesus' time, MUST believe in Jesus to be saved. For He paid the ultimate price.... to die for our sins. There is a distinction made between unbelievers and people who have not heard of Jesus Christ. unbelievers are those who do have a choice to believe in Jesus Christ! but they intentionally refuse it. those people who are unaware of Jesus like people in remote areas... God did send missionaries to spread His word. He cared! However the Bible does not mention about those who unfortuately do not hear the word of the LORD... thats for the missionaries and we Christians to answer to God
quote:When Jesus was crucified, and suffered and finally died... During Pentecost, if im not wrong, He appeared before all His disciples and urged them to go forth and spread the word. It brought the wave of the Christianity we know of today... our knowledge of our salvation has been brought to us by the missionaries. and the missionaries did not just stay in one capital and just sent out pigeons, telegrams, tv broadcasts... but instead "WENT FORTH" and "SPREAD THE GOSPEL" for we now were guided by the Holy Spirit.
And the point is ?
I am a Methodist, have been for the past 20 odd years. Strange that I am defending RCs...??? I have heard too many holier-than-thou judgement pronouncement on Catholics. It's like Protestants don't have our own theological issues.Originally posted by dragg:just out of curiosity, are a RC or christian?
next, i certainly did not say or hinted that RCs are not christians and vice versea. only try to explain how the different religions came about. though it does not mean i dont have an idea about it.
hi heng@, rem mi...Originally posted by HENG@:die la die la all die go hell best la
catholicism have been a much maligned denomination. as christians, we all have a duty to protect truth with love.Originally posted by Chin Eng:I am a Methodist, have been for the past 20 odd years. Strange that I am defending RCs...??? I have heard too many holier-than-thou judgement pronouncement on Catholics. It's like Protestants don't have our own theological issues.
ntu_slacker, i totally disagree with you about the point about the irrelevence of the Old Testament.Originally posted by ntu slacker:catholicism have been a much maligned denomination. as christians, we all have a duty to protect truth with love.
im a methodist too! nice to meet you. looking forward to more discussions abt our faith.
protestants do have religion issues. look at the Charismatic church. its been drawing quite alot of flak of late... because of their unusual practise of praying in tongues and its rising popularity with the young.
nevertheless let us all resolve our differences peacefully and focus on the main thing, our religion CHRISTIANity.
thanks a million.Originally posted by ntu slacker:catholicism have been a much maligned denomination. as christians, we all have a duty to protect truth with love.
im a methodist too! nice to meet you. looking forward to more discussions abt our faith.
protestants do have religion issues. look at the Charismatic church. its been drawing quite alot of flak of late... because of their unusual practise of praying in tongues and its rising popularity with the young.
nevertheless let us all resolve our differences peacefully and focus on the main thing, our religion CHRISTIANity.
I don't think ntu_slacker is saying that the OT is irrelevant. I think the issue is to respond to another writer's regular reference to OT's law. In that sense, it is irrelevant because the laws in the OT is no longer relevant to us in a practical sense.Originally posted by fandango:ntu_slacker, i totally disagree with you about the point about the irrelevence of the Old Testament.
It is as important as the New Testament.
i am just saying the more importance should be placed on the New Testament rather the old. Christianity is NOT JudaismOriginally posted by Chin Eng:I don't think ntu_slacker is saying that the OT is irrelevant. I think the issue is to respond to another writer's regular reference to OT's law. In that sense, it is irrelevant because the laws in the OT is no longer relevant to us in a practical sense.
This I will really agree with you.Originally posted by ntu slacker:catholicism have been a much maligned denomination. as christians, we all have a duty to protect truth with love.
no. instead my conscience tells me that there are too many people who are too fixtated on being "right" and dismissing others as being wrong. Who cares if u're protestant, catholic, atheist, satanic, whatever. u'll get to know if u were right when u die. now argue so much also no use. u wait. later both protestants and catholics go hell because the jews are the ones who are right then u know.Originally posted by ntu slacker:hi heng@, rem mi...
hows UK
aiyo why talk liddat...
dont u even feel your conscience telling you that you are really being too frivolous in a serious discussion concerning what drives us Christians in life.
if u feel otherwise, i encourage you to try to just lurk here instead of passing snide remarks here and there. its not really a very nice thing to see people deliberately trying to make their boredom, disinterest obvious especially when we are participating in candid, non offensive as well as earnest discussion.
thanks so much for understanding.
anyway seems i not been here for sometime eh. so hows ya... and wheres ur airtrek? shipped to UK?okok im digressing
lolOriginally posted by HENG@:no. instead my conscience tells me that there are too many people who are too fixtated on being "right" and dismissing others as being wrong. Who cares if u're protestant, catholic, atheist, satanic, whatever. u'll get to know if u were right when u die. now argue so much also no use. u wait. later both protestants and catholics go hell because the jews are the ones who are right then u know.
Originally posted by HENG@:u wait. later both protestants and catholics go hell because the jews are the ones who are right then u know.
the jews are definitely in the equation as they are GOD's chosen people. this much all believers should know. christian or RCs.Originally posted by HENG@:no. instead my conscience tells me that there are too many people who are too fixtated on being "right" and dismissing others as being wrong. Who cares if u're protestant, catholic, atheist, satanic, whatever. u'll get to know if u were right when u die. now argue so much also no use. u wait. later both protestants and catholics go hell because the jews are the ones who are right then u know.
u try writing your own verse inside see wad happen when u die la.Originally posted by ceecookie:heh..i also go to church as well....its the Church of Singapore at 2B hindhede road......the bible got so many page le...i saw...abt 1010 pages..
then right at the end of the bible there this saying: those pple who add things to the bible...god will add to him the plague in the bible while if u remove some words u will not recieve ur share at heave... so what will happen if u add in something?![]()
is there such a quote? btw the Bible has been 'amended' from the very beginning. it is recorded in history.Originally posted by ceecookie:heh..i also go to church as well....its the Church of Singapore at 2B hindhede road......the bible got so many page le...i saw...abt 1010 pages..
then right at the end of the bible there this saying: those pple who add things to the bible...god will add to him the plague in the bible while if u remove some words u will not recieve ur share at heave... so what will happen if u add in something?![]()
thats so true. thanks for your honesty.Originally posted by HENG@:no. instead my conscience tells me that there are too many people who are too fixtated on being "right" and dismissing others as being wrong. Who cares if u're protestant, catholic, atheist, satanic, whatever. u'll get to know if u were right when u die. now argue so much also no use. u wait. later both protestants and catholics go hell because the jews are the ones who are right then u know.
perhaps u could share what do ya mean by amendment?Originally posted by dragg:is there such a quote? btw the Bible has been 'amended' from the very beginning. it is recorded in history.
Remind me of one of Rowan Atkinson's stand up comedy, where he played a devil...Originally posted by HENG@:later both protestants and catholics go hell because the jews are the ones who are right then u know.
ultimately we even see christians fighting other christians because of they are protestants or catholic or whatever. no seriously i don't suppose u see how stupid and pointless it is from the outside. like i said, u can all talk a lot, when u die u'll know who's right.Originally posted by ntu slacker:thats so true. thanks for your honesty.
alright i understand your resentment. do allow me to apologise for my Christian brothers and sisters. i apologise for our "holier than thou" attitudes and for passing judgment unwittingly on others. i am guilty of that too on occassions.
however do allow me to assure you most Christians, in the true sense of the word, are more interested in sharing our faith with others rather than downplay other religions as well as condemning or attacking other people's faiths and value systems.
we care alot about our faith for its a central part of our life.... and brought much joy and hapiness to our lives. and we hoped to bring the same joy and hapiness to others. obviously we do not expect everyone to recieve it with open arms but we do willingly share. its a lifestyle to us! living the christian life that is.
we do care really. but yes u are right, sometimes we are guilty of condemning others simply because they are different or not Christians. but perhaps may i assure you that action might be of our sinful human nature rather than the product of Christianity. i mean if you were to look at areas outside of religion, for example, society is quick to condemn or shun different or deviant people be they be physically handicapped or mentally handicapped...? i assure you that that action is not a product of our faith and hopefully we can grow to be more understanding and respectful towards our fellow men
thanks and god bless...