At least the "out of Africa" theory lends support to the biblical account. Haha ..Originally posted by F Takumi:Archaeological and genetic evidence have traced the origin of modern human beings to Africa. Maybe Eden is in Ethiopia.
Ironically you are slowly drifting into the supernatural explanation. As we know, the day is defined in terms of the rising and setting of the sun, that's how our ancestors see it too. Now, as we are more advanced, we also know the rising and setting is due to the revolution of the Earth. Hence it is possible the sun already existed in day 1. But to believe this is to acknowledge indirectly that the author knows something about Earth revolution? After all, if he cannot see the sun in day 1 due to heavy clouds or something, how could he know the sun existed?Who is the author ? It can't be adam or the animals isn't it ? It is supposedly "god" who tell people how he create the world in how many days isn't it ? Isn't tat wat the bible is about ? God inspired words ? So putting the author into the picture and saying it is the author problem is an error. The author is supposed to be "god" who is supposed to be able to know wat is day by probably living through many many days and setting the standard of "days" and who is able to see through thick clouds or cosmic gases or watever. He certainly knows the sun exists and he certainly put it down into words saying tat it was create simply meant in a "day". SO the time frame is still totally off when compared with science and the time taken for evolution. It is wrong
Anyone interested can read the Talmud Chagigah on pre-Adam hominidwhy don't u put it here so everyone will know wat it is about ?
At least the "out of Africa" theory lends support to the biblical account. Haha ..tat is probably a very very weak link tat support the bible
What is the time frame that is wrong?Originally posted by stupidissmart:why don't u put it here so everyone will know wat it is about ?
tat is probably a very very weak link tat support the bible
What is the time frame that is wrong?Sigh... men and animals were not created in a day... In fact the whole galaxy was not created in days... U just totally ignore my previous points... tis it not making u look good
I'm not putting it here. Don't wish to cultivate a culture of spoonfeeding. If one is interested, he will go and find it.It is for the convenience of the people here. If u do not care for productivity and welfare, then I guess u can continue just suggesting something but never explain it.
A weak link that is, but at least never put the first humans in many places at once, or somewhere in China .. hahaLet me guess, u know wat all the wolves in the world originiate from the same place too ! In fact all animals we see now should have originate from the same place as well ! By evolution theory it should be as such isn't it
My argument was those days are not the usual definition of day. I proceeded to show how absurd it would be to know of the sun before u can see it or for the ancients to know of Earth revolution.Originally posted by stupidissmart:Sigh... men and animals were not created in a day... In fact the whole galaxy was not created in days... U just totally ignore my previous points... tis it not making u look good
My argument was those days are not the usual definition of day. I proceeded to show how absurd it would be to know of the sun before u can see it or for the ancients to know of Earth revolution.Your argument was completely faulty since the definition of day was already stated clear and simple, the beginning of a new morning. It has nothing to do with earth revolution aroud the sun, tat is for season, but clearly any idiot and even norturnal animals know wat is morning and wat is night. Yet u don't know and u doubt god don't know ? And secondly, who says the sun cannot be seen ? The author is god and he is the one tat tells us he made sun and he made it in a day. He cannot see the sun he created ? All r argument have been answered before and u just totally ignore them.
I also shown it is perfectly logical if those days were framed from a different perspective of time. You want to argue using Science so I use relativity theory, but you ignored my suggestion?Tis point has again been countered before. Who ever tell u it is relative ?Inside genesis one itself it already clearly define wat is night, morning and day. U mean God don't know wat is morning ? He don't know how long the earth turn ? It is stated clearly in the bible already ! There is no relativity here ! It is matching against a standard ! A standard have been described and tis standard is used to describe the time taken to make the galaxy ! I am not ignoring your suggestion, u r ignoring my points !
Opps .. big mistake on my part .. I meant to say rotation of Earth, not revolution.Originally posted by stupidissmart:Your argument was completely faulty since the definition of day was already stated clear and simple, the beginning of a new morning. It has nothing to do with earth revolution aroud the sun, tat is for season, but clearly any idiot and even norturnal animals know wat is morning and wat is night.
Yet u don't know and u doubt god don't know ? And secondly, who says the sun cannot be seen ? The author is god and he is the one tat tells us he made sun and he made it in a day.Haha .. the author is God? You seems to elevate the authorship to divine and yet you think it is fairy tale .. haha
He cannot see the sun he created ?The light may not be light from sun?
He don't know how long the earth turn ? It is stated clearly in the bible already ! There is no relativity here ! It is matching against a standard !The standard is this:
So this discussion is about how long it takes for evolution against the few days it takes to create in Genesis huh....Originally posted by stupidissmart:Lets just the stipulated time frame tat the whole galaxy and human being made in a week is absurb. And they use the word "day" which was used repeatedly in the bible meaning as the usual 24 hours system we use
Opps .. big mistake on my part .. I meant to say rotation of Earth, not revolution.well the argument still stands
Haha .. the author is God? You seems to elevate the authorship to divine and yet you think it is fairy tale .. hahaYes I think it is fairy tale but christian think it is divine. I am telling them if tat is wat u think, then something god being author makes sense.
The light may not be light from sun?I thought u say previously the light is the sun ?
The standard is this:Com'on, u know Psalm is like singing poetry. The meaning can simply means he is great bla bla bla and he is eternal and being with him seems long. It doesn't means literally he see a thousand years as a day. Tis is especially true since the person singing this song is not god himself, otherwise why use he ?
Psalms 90:4 - For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. (NIV)
2 Peter 3:8-9 - But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. (NIV)
Actually, there are problems with evolution as well...the fossil records raise a number of difficult questions too, such as the so-called Cambian explosion. There is a sudden appearance of complex organisms in Cambrian Period, about 540 million years ago. Interestingly, within a 5-10 million year period (a relatively short period of time on evolutionary time scales, all but one of the animal phyla suddenly appear in the fossil record at the same time without any fossilized predecessors.U mean 5-10 million years is not long enough ? Structure was much simpler then so it is no wonder why within tis million of years organism begin to be seen. It still wasn't a day too isn't it ? Why don't u show me a website or anythign tat describe tis cambrian phenomenon ? A brief search doesn't show up anything u had said.
Eg. speaking I had went to yur website and guess wat... it is again a christian website... for the Seventh-day Adventists... Well, I have said tis many times and I guess i have to say it again... it is not convincing to give a christian website because they probably give one sided arguments and refuse to update the knowledge when new evidences occured. It is like goin to a website tat sells chicken rice and they claim their chicken rice is the best inthe world... If u wanna debate about science issue, I will very much prefer website tat were neutral, or purely science website
Loads of info on search google under Cambrian fossil and you get lots of material to read. 5-10 million years to get trolobites out of nothing? Quite impossible...
5 millions years is actually 1000 times longer than recorded human history. It is actually not short5-10 million years is far too short for such complex organisms...4-5 million years ago we weren't even walking on two's a non-Christian reference:
Use punctuated equilibrium.Originally posted by oxford mushroom:There is a huge gap in missing fossils between the unicellular organisms you mentioned and the trilobites. The appearance of such plentiful amounts of complex organisms in the fossil records is difficult to explain away within 5-10 million years.[/code]
5-10 million years is far too short for such complex organisms...4-5 million years ago we weren't even walking on two's a non-Christian reference: tis is very strange. 4 millions years ago we weren't walking on legs. Now we do. It is much lesser compared with 45 million years isn't it ? Wat is wrong ?
There is a huge gap in missing fossils between the unicellular organisms you mentioned and the trilobites. The appearance of such plentiful amounts of complex organisms in the fossil records is difficult to explain away within 5-10 million years. You will have to assume evolution speeded up like crazy for a time and then slow down to a halt.Where do u read tis ? It doesn't appear in the website u given
It might be more credible to believe that life started in Mars and got here on a meteoriteI never read anything on tis opinion either. Who said tis ?
I never read anything on tis opinion either. Who said tis ?I said it...and I think my opinion based on what I have read is more convincing that alternative theories and hypothesis on this matter. Think you are trying to attack the biblical account to justify why you will not believe....but why bother? You can simply choose not to believe...
Haha .. so you are another of her fan?Originally posted by oxford mushroom:I think starblue's forum more interesting.
I said it...and I think my opinion based on what I have read is more convincing that alternative theories and hypothesis on this matter. Think you are trying to attack the biblical account to justify why you will not believe....but why bother? You can simply choose not to believe...If u ask me, we don't even find life in Mars, yet u believe tat we evolved from creatures from Mars who can survive the impact onto earth. Unless we get more evidences, tis theory is not convincing.
I think the study of evolution is riddled with far too many premises and hypothesis than real science. Not realy interested in this subject...just stumbled onto this thread earlier...I think starblue's forum more interesting.If u study real sceince, u will find many theories to be equally having many premises and hypothesis than evolution. BTW evolution is not a hypothesis anymore, it is a theory.
BTW I am attacking the bible account so others will not believe. I obviously had chosen not to believe easilyYou are wasting your time....people become Christians not because they are impressed by the scientic accounts in the bible. You will not get them to lose their faith merely on some scientific theories that do not square with the biblical account, anymore than you can make one a christian by proving the bible is true on scientific grounds.
Maybe those creatures we evolved from died liao and any remains of their life form migrated to Earth just in time. It is like you don't see any homo erectus today lor.Originally posted by stupidissmart:If u ask me, we don't even find life in Mars, yet u believe tat we evolved from creatures from Mars who can survive the impact onto earth.
If u study real sceince, u will find many theories to be equally having many premises and hypothesis than evolution. BTW evolution is not a hypothesis anymore, it is a theory.What are some of those theories you mentioned?
You are wasting your time....people become Christians not because they are impressed by the scientic accounts in the bible. You will not get them to lose their faith merely on some scientific theories that do not square with the biblical account, anymore than you can make one a christian by proving the bible is true on scientific grounds.But then again, the bible is supposed to tell the truth. Yet from looking at some accounts of bible, it does not fit any logic or scientific background. If tat is the case, it do points to the fact tat the bible is not perfect or right. If tat christian is really searching for answers and not just following blindly, tis may works for him
It is a christian website but the articles are well-researched and based on papers in secular, international journals such as Nature, Science and Scientific American. One of our ex-NUS professors contributed articles to it as well...Chrtistian website ? enough said
Maybe those creatures we evolved from died liao and any remains of their life form migrated to Earth just in time. It is like you don't see any homo erectus today lor.Tat is a possible scenario, but unless u find more evidence to support tat theory, it is just plain aristotle type guessing
What are some of those theories you mentioned?quantum ?
Aiya, the poster also never say evolution is hypothesis. He said evolution has many premises and hypothesis.
Aiya if you don't like xtian website then read more secular sources, like Phillip Johnson's works.Originally posted by stupidissmart:Chrtistian website ? enough said