dun get it. its pretty bullshit la.
You go chk out the purpose driven church, u noe how their sermon setting's like?
just like coffeebean, round tables with chairs, ppl sitting there, copy sermon notes, drink coffee etc.
ultimately, its the fruits that prove anything,
u see now FCBC is with the G12 movement, women leaders are rising up, isn't that "contradicting" what the bible says? its silly la. times have changed, true, we adapt, true, but we dun accept the principles into our lives
whats wrong with incorporating cool music, or have skits as entertainment?
if a church have talented people in the field of drama, that's a gift to be used to bring in the ppl. if the church has talent in music, and use it for God, i don't see any reason for condemnation.
it just reminds me of the nonsense incident in my church, my dad invited his catholic collegue to our service, the wife after listening to "One Way" immediately commented "you all no difference from american idol, playing devil music"
lol, i laugh at such shallowness. There is no specific way of spreading the gospel, there is no specific way of singing praises and worshipping God. if you like hymns, good, if u like christian rock, good. where got such thing as "this is not the way to do this... etc etc"
do not conform to the world, simply means, do not accept the world's ideas and principles. backstabbing in the workplace, sleep around and hv many partners, lie and cheat, etc.. i don't think it has anything to do with how u bring in the people to the church. just by extracting the verse, all you are doing, is going out of context.