actually, the answer is bullsh
rule of the game's pretty simple, you can't buy your way up to heaven, being good, or donating to charities or helping old ladies cross the road, won't get you a ticket to heaven. why? cause you don't know what is the passing mark.
how much good is good enough?
rule of the game: ticket to heaven is already bought for you, when Jesus, the son of God died for your sins, paid the price for all the banana nonsense you did. Only when you believe and receive this, then you pass.
what the hell is the catholic way of life? going to church? going to confession? if you don't believe in Jesus and only in Jesus, all that = bullshi
if going to church makes me a christian, then going to macdonald makes me a big mac. and if u believe u can be a freethinker and buy your way in by doing "good deeds" then u're a bigger big mac than i am.

not that we shouldn't do good, but doing good is after salvation, salvation is salvation, good works are good works, different issues, and shouldn't be brought together.
good works don't give u salvation, only Jesus can, but good works comes and counts after salvation, because God will reward u for every little nice mushy thing you do for others when u go to heaven after u get knocked down by a bus or smth. kidding abt the knocked down part.