And do you think God is a sinner?Even God can make mistakes? Nothing in the world is perfect?
First Commandment: I am the Lord your God, you shall not have other Gods beside muslims, buddhists, and people of other religions have broken the 1st commandment and thus they are sinful???????????
>>>1) Gods such as Money, Sex, Power, Fast Cars, the list goes on. Anti-Christian practices also included.
onli in the eyes of the christians...Originally posted by nightzip:so muslims, buddhists, and people of other religions have broken the 1st commandment and thus they are sinful???????????![]()
Muslims worship the same God as Christians.Originally posted by nightzip:so muslims, buddhists, and people of other religions have broken the 1st commandment and thus they are sinful???????????![]()
Mary, his mother, was sinless (immaculate), at The Christ's conception. Which meant that neither the sin of adam (he only had God as a father) which is passed through the father wasn't thereIn short, double standard. His mother was sinless just because she is gonna give birth to christ. Why we don't get tis benefit and was condemned to hell ?
God is perfect, nuff' said. Nothing in the world is perfect? It is because of the sin of man.Originally posted by nightzip:Even God can make mistakes? Nothing in the world is perfect?
I fully agree when you say our Lord is sinless, but I will disagree with this statement that Mary was not sinless. However, that is a story for another day.Originally posted by Coldfeet:This does not necissarily mean that Mary was sinless her whole life but she was sinless when Jesus was born.
They do not know that this is the rule, so they are not culpable for it.Originally posted by nightzip:so muslims, buddhists, and people of other religions have broken the 1st commandment and thus they are sinful???????????![]()
As a Catholic, I'll tell you this. Who are we to begrudge what God has done?Originally posted by stupidissmart:In short, double standard. His mother was sinless just because she is gonna give birth to christ. Why we don't get tis benefit and was condemned to hell ?
As a Catholic, I'll tell you this. Who are we to begrudge what God has done?As a freethinker I tell u tis... there is no such person as jesus or god. The questions I asked or points I raised r not without some sense behind them. Wat I hope is people to reads through them and ponder more deeply into their religion instead of just taking everything at face value and believe in it blindly
As your average forumite, I'll tell you this. No offence, but you are merely trying to pick a bone with us Christians, no? You seem to take every opportunity to insult God and Christianity. Did you have a bad experience with us Christians? Or perhaps something bad happened in your life and you are blaming God?Frankly speaking, I have bad experience with christians but no particularly bad ones tat will make me go online and spend time typing things out. If your religion is god inspired, then surely a mere person like me won't be able to find loopholes and exploit them isn't it ?
Then I tell u tis... ponder over your own personality. Don't tell me or anyone that you don't need to, or other needs to do so rather than you, or you have already done so. I am telling you this because you certainly need to.
As a freethinker I tell u tis... there is no such person as jesus or god. The questions I asked or points I raised r not without some sense behind them. Wat I hope is people to reads through them and ponder more deeply into their religion instead of just taking everything at face value and believe in it blindly
Frankly speaking, I have bad experience with christians but no particularly bad ones tat will make me go online and spend time typing things out. If your religion is god inspired, then surely a mere person like me won't be able to find loopholes and exploit them isn't it ?
surely a mere person like me won't be able to find loopholes and exploit them isn't it ?There have been archaelogists, historians and many other researchers during the last 20 centuries. If there is anything to find, they will be the one to do it. Not you. You are far from them. These people are PhD holders or would-be PhD holders doing research for their papers. Unless, you go join their research team. Who knows? You may find "real loopholes" instead of what u claim to know here. Please don't tell me that you bought a bible from the book store, read thru it and start to find loopholes, just like that, thinking that by reading the bible that you bought from a book store is enough for you to fully understand the teachings. If it is that easy, why do you think ppl still sign up for bible classes for study or revision.
masturbation is sin?Originally posted by SingaporeMacross:Sex is something beautiful. It somehow became 'sinful', because of what Man has done.
It depends on what you mean by thinking about sex. For example your research paper is about sex. If you don't think then how are you going to do your paper? But fantasising about it is a different story. That is sin.
You see, when we sin, it is not only an issue between us and God. It is also an issue with us and the people around us. We do not merely sin against God, but against others too. Perverse thoughts are sinful, because you are not respecting the dignity of the person. Each person is made in the image of God, and has dignity. We all have dignity.
Perverse thoughts may also lead you to commit other sins; masturbation, pornography, and God forbid, rape.
well said too.... the one salient point that you've raised is - constructive debate. Not many people are capable of being constructive as well as amicable. Wouldn't you agree that the concept of being constructive should also be reflected in the tone of any given note?Originally posted by nightzip:it is not without points what stupidissmart has said...
and as we have said, we should not be taking things at face value....
only constant debate (constructive ofcourse) and the ability not to be narrow-minded do we truly get to understand more deeply about things...
attributing everything to God or Jesus is not bad, but it just makes things too simplistic and is expecting us to believe things at face value....
i dun mean this is bad...but it just doesnt gives "light" to the meaning of life...and cause & effect....
just my 2 cents worth.
Hello stupidissmart,Originally posted by stupidissmart:Frankly speaking, I have bad experience with christians but no particularly bad ones tat will make me go online and spend time typing things out. If your religion is god inspired, then surely a mere person like me won't be able to find loopholes and exploit them isn't it ?
Then I tell u tis... ponder over your own personality. Don't tell me or anyone that you don't need to, or other needs to do so rather than you, or you have already done so. I am telling you this because you certainly need to.Okie, personal attack, next
You have had bad experience. Sorry to hear that. We feel the same way about you too.
While you are digging loopholes in every inch, I can also pick up plenty in your msg. "If jesus was human, he had already sinned. Why ? First he was borned. If u r a normal human, u have already sinned." Haven't done enough research on the theology? So you think that by reading up some books, you have known everything already? If it is that simple, why do people need 2-3 years of studies in Bible college to be Pastors and a few years of practicing before becoming a Reverend? Why would Catholic Priests need 7 to 15 years in the seminary?And am I wrong with saying the above statement ? U say there r experts reading on theology etc but then u never say my answer is wrong. So can u say my above statement is wrong ?
There have been archaelogists, historians and many other researchers during the last 20 centuries. If there is anything to find, they will be the one to do it. Not you. You are far from them. These people are PhD holders or would-be PhD holders doing research for their papers. Unless, you go join their research team. Who knows? You may find "real loopholes" instead of what u claim to know here. Please don't tell me that you bought a bible from the book store, read thru it and start to find loopholes, just like that, thinking that by reading the bible that you bought from a book store is enough for you to fully understand the teachings. If it is that easy, why do you think ppl still sign up for bible classes for study or revisionThey pretty much found it. It is just tat u don't believe in them anyway.
There is not such thing as Jesus. Ok. Why? Cuz we all have not seen him? Ok... then I tell you... the woman that you call Mother is not your mother. Cuz you didn't see her giving birth to you. Yes, she's been telling you that she's your mother. But dont' take everything at face value.No really, if I want to find out if my mother is my real mother, I can go and ask for witness, doctors, documents etc etc to see if she really give birth to me. I can always go for a DNA test as well. Furthermore, it is believable tat she give birth to me and logically sound, thus requiring little or lesser evidence
well said too.... the one salient point that you've raised is - constructive debate. Not many people are capable of being constructive as well as amicable. Wouldn't you agree that the concept of being constructive should also be reflected in the tone of any given noteThe problem with u is, any argument tat goes against your intended wish becomes non-constructive debate. As said by many people before, the points I raised up is not rubbish or pointless insults. If u can't take emotions when reading forums, then sad to say u r not really suitable in here. It also shows your lack of patience as well
Before I became a Christian, I had bad experiences with Christians too. After I became a Christian, I still had bad experiences with Christians but that does not mean that I should doubt God. God is God, Humans are humans be it believers or non-believers of Him. We cannot blame, judge or criticise God because of the actions of humans, again being a believer or not. Christians claimed they believe in God, but not necessarily they can (that's a topic 2 complex to say now) or will do everything God had instructed us - Christians to do. Therefore, u and I have not seen the true essence of the Goodness of God. (For example, If we christians are able to do everything as God instructed us to do, I guess, u won't find any loopholes and there will be nothing for u to exploit thus u will be more than willing to believe in the same God the Christians believed. Actually, it's us the Humans(be it Christians or not) that failed God, not the other way round.)We can only imagine through what the Bible said, How Good is God, How Pure is God, How Gracious is God... but we don't really understand do we? We habitually think that God speaks, acts or behaves exactly like us - humans. God is not human, so He doesn't think, speak or act like 1. Therefore when we try to understand God's Words and Actions from our point of view, inevitabley we will get a totally wrong conclusion and understanding of Who and What God is!For one thing, I am not against christainity because of any particular bad experience with christians. I am here because I hope people will see the light and become a free thinker, someone who is more liberated than christians. However u guys just totally disregard tis point I have raised for so many times and keep insisting tat I am here because of some particularly bad experiences with a christians, which is wrong
Just like, humans kept a very positive and open approach when we deal with any foreign objects, be it animals, languages, peoples, cultures..etc.. therefore, we had learned a great deal about it and became who we were today. So, why not extend the same attitude pertaining to questions regarding God.The problem is, christianity DO NOT have an open mind when dealing with things about their religion. We have an open approach when we deal with animals etc etc but how open r u to the points people made when it regards about issues such as whether jesus sin or evolution is true etc ?
How is God going to enlighten u when u hold a very absolute but untrue image of him. Just like how are u going to explain to someone that mis-understood u strongly to make him or her understand your good intentionsIf people have very solid evidence on their side, even the best lawyers can't win the case for u. U know how to explain him to me ? Simple, show me irrefutable evidence.
Just be open, don't put all the blames on God regarding how the World had became or how humans had acted to hurt one another and any other things we deemed not fit. It's not fair to God, just like it's not fair that I blamed u for everything some one else had done. U won't like it, will u? Though GOD is in-charge of the WOrld and everything and this makes it easy for us to blame Him but it's really not fair! Just like, u r in-charge of a certain department and someone under u (which has a free-will and u r unable to control him or her totally) done something totally inmoral and out of yr character and everyone blamed u, thinking u r the evil 1 as u r the head of the department, how do u feel? Does that person's action reflect yr true character or yr willingness in taking part of such inmoral act? So, before we blame God or Judge Him, may we ask, Is it God's nature or character to do such a thing? (Of course u must first trust and understand WHO GOD IS before u have such faith in determining...) Or Is He willing in letting such a thing happen or even worst participated in the event....U have sadly mistaken my intent... I do not believe in god. I don't believe there is such a thing as him. But there r people tat do and IMO, they r sort of being imprisoned in a system tat is wrong. The things I had written is not because I hate god, it is to show people tat there is no god. ANd another thing, if I am the in-charge of something, first, i won't go around asking people to kowtow to me or boast myself to be perfect. Second, I do not give out harsh punishment and condemn people if they do something wrong and lastly I will allow people to verify my existence and not hide by not giving evidence of my existence yet boast about my presence.
We blamed or judged God easily as we don't really know WHo is He! We don't know what kind of "person" is He! So, how are we going to stand by Him when it seems that He is the 1 that "allow" bad things to happen to his own CREATED WORLD.... How do u stand by yr friend, if u dont know him enough to be sure that he won't commit murder? U must know yr friend real well b4 u could stand firm and be with him or her if anyone accuse him or her right? Otherwise, doubts surface immediately u heard of such accusation.U don't know who is he yet u blindly follow him ? He could be a devil in disguise u know. I don't understand your arguments. U say u won't stand by a friend who u do not know. How well do u think u know about him ? Why do he destroy dinosaurs ? U don't know. Why he create devil in the first place ? U don't know. Why he start tsunamis ? U also don't know. Yet u stand by him and believe he won't do anything bad ?
x2Originally posted by nightzip:it is not without points what stupidissmart has said...
and as we have said, we should not be taking things at face value....
only constant debate (constructive ofcourse) and the ability not to be narrow-minded do we truly get to understand more deeply about things...
attributing everything to God or Jesus is not bad, but it just makes things too simplistic and is expecting us to believe things at face value....
i dun mean this is bad...but it just doesnt gives "light" to the meaning of life...and cause & effect....
just my 2 cents worth.
Originally posted by Nelstar:Oh no... the stupidissmart is here again.....
I lazy to read liaoz...
Study the Bible properly and u see tt its not jus a grammar book.Originally posted by Nelstar:I'm laughing at this thread, not at the non-christians but at Christians.
If we go according by the bible, we're all sons of God. Jesus is the son of god.
Jesus is not God.
There, my point.![]()