Originally posted by men_@_arms:
Ok here are my misconceptions of christianity.
1. Christianity itself is began as a cult, but now is embraced as a cool fashionable thing. Nothing wrong there. Humans are ambivalent.
2. Christianity had ties with paganism and astrology
3. Christianity's name has been used to cause much more suffering and wiping out of civilisations in history than any other religion.
4. Christianity itself is not constant; as people are ambivalent, the religion itself is self contradictory, Catholics hate condoms while protestants approve of it.
5. The bible contradicts itself and is unclear.
6. Christianity is fashionable.
6.Christianity is fashionable? Please remember Christians have been persecuted and killed for their faith ever since our religion began. Christianity is fashionable? Even now,Christianity is looked down upon,maybe not in Singapore.
3.Our bad no doubt,our fault. This matter I kinda agree with you.
4. Christianity arent that united, there are thousands of different denominations in Christianity. These difference are caused by interepreting the Bible in different ways.