I am back.. for a day and a moment...
Like the example of PAUL I quote, he was persecuting christians and killing them. He must have heard many good things that Jesus had done, but yet he went on killing them. If he had committed the unpardonable sin by persisting on killing them even though he had heard of the truth, would God appear to him in Damascus and saved him? He was saved, as we knew, and thus the 'unpardonable sin' was in context to the pharisees because they did not sin against the Son of Man but sin against the SPIRIT because they credited the power to the DEVIL. A person who says "Hey, Jesus could not perform those miracles as He was just a mere man." (a failure to recognise Jesus for who He is) is different from saying "Ah this miracle that this Jesus perform can only be done with the power from the evil spirits."
Frankly speaking, if some hindus come out and perform miracles after miracles and tell people to believe in hinduism, my judgement is christian will come out and say it is the work of the devil too. Tis is especially too since in the OT, it had already warned the people of false prophets who may be disguised as a devil.
the unpardonable sin is not merel saying unkind things against the HS, the religious leaders involved had turned totally against the revelation of God, they were so far into their own wickedness that they rejected not only Jesus Christ, but also the HS. they were saying that good was evil and evil was good. they called the Spirit of God, satan.
They can also be just being too caution since from the bible the devil is good at deceiving people. If u ask me, if someone do not believe in your claims, it is more noble to convince him more rather get get angry over it and curse him to hell.
even non believers will acknowledge the power and touch of the Holy Spirit when they encounter Him. so its not really easy to commit this sin i think.
Tis is talk cock to the extreme. If they r true non believer, then they will not acknowledge the power nor touch of the holy spirit. If they do they r not really non believers after all
if anyone today has committed this sin, it would be someone who is hard-hearted, who has turned against Jesus, reviled Him and become so depraved that he would claim that God's spirit is satan
How do u know it is not the devil's work instead ? U r more smarter than the devil ? Just because anyone claims he is god and u just believe in it ?
yea! you know tang kee (chinese mediums) acknowledge the power of the Holy Spirit? they can't perform their arts while a christian is in the midst? my dad's cluster leader is a testimony.
There r a lot of problem with the above statement.
First, u probably have a clash of belief since u do believe tang kee has some divinity in it. IMO, I think tang kee is a fake and he can perform his act without any real restriction.
Second, u feel tat the power of chrstainity is more powerful than the power of taoism deities ! Tat is indeed a bit slanderous to the other religion. If a taoist says tat holy spirit or god do not dare to face an idol of monky god, how will u feel ? If someone says tat speaking in tongue etc cannot work in a temple because your god acknowledge the power of some deities wat do u think it implied ?
Lastly, the example u had given doesn't seems to be accurate or prove anything. Personally I got hear of christian friends attending a session of tang kee themselves. Can u tell me tat all the christian never experience or see such things before ?
I dun think Dumbdumb is making stupid references. He is just talking about his father's friend. Its not what he said. Its what his father's friend said. Unless you are sure his father's friend is telling a lie or a loony, then i dun think you can say its a stupid reference.
Just because a father friend say something doesn't means the content cannot be attacked. Who cares who tell him this story ? As long as he is the one who write it down here, he deserves to be responsible for his words. It really do make stupid references since tang kee doesn't meant non-believers. In fact most non believers do not believe in tang kee as well. It may also meant tat particular tang kee is just having a bad experience with a christian during a session before.
i'm pointing out that even non believers acknowledges the power of the Holy Spirit. they really don't touch baptised christians. if you (a christian) go to a tang kee. and tells them u're a christian. they will ask you if you are baptised. if you say you are, they ask you to leave, and say they cannot do anything for you. its true
Trust me, I don't believe a word of it. And frankly, it again illustrate the point tat u feel christianity is in a sense more powerful than other religion and it indeed is a inflammatory message.
exactly. its a grey area. which makes it hard to say who is right and who is wrong. i don't feel you are wrong, neither do i feel what i said was wrong. if i say that science has proven that earth is not million of years old, which has already been proven, all the scientists would come and say that i am putting them and their research down, and i'm insulting their work. so am i right or am i wrong when i speak this truth?
The problem is wat u had said is wrong in his and in my opinion. If science had proven tat the earth is billions of yeras old, and u come out and said they r wrong and came out with a ridiculous example belittling their research work, they r gonna tear u dwn as well