Original ThreadAs taken from this thread...

Game enough to form a soccer kickabout team withing sgforums?
Let's have a kickabout tomorrow (8th September 2007) around 7:30am - 8am at the Street Soccer Court in front of SAFRA Tampines just beside Block 941 as opposed to Block 911 in that thread since i made a recce there this evening.
Please bring along yourself and friends for a bonding session

and some healthy activities

People of all shapes are welcome..
Time :
7.30am - 8am (for the people to arrive) maybe play for 2 to 3 hours..then lunch together...
Participants :
not sure whats happening at that thread but..
1) Me and 2 or 3 friends
2) Alucard
3) Dunno who yet
Please PM me for further confirmations please..I need to get your numbers to remind yourselves...
To get there...