i feel depressed. feel like there isn't anything more in life. everything bad in the world, i have it with me. why did god even put me here. i shouldn't even be here. i don't belong here. shouldn't even be..
belong to this world or this forum?
Anyway, just think about those who are really suffering in the world like the childrens in africa, people who are involved in the recent typhoon at taiwan... then you would find yourself very fortunate.
to this world i mean. haha. why would it be this forum. haha.
1. doesnt have a good family
2.no friends
3. doesnt have good results
4. lied to mother that will get me in real trouble very soon.
5. screwed up life.
if i am in africa and has people who love me, i would rather be starving than he here.
i can be ur fren lets be gay
cheer up... you have sgforums to crap in... how come no friends? get out there and start making some!
ever considered getting professional help? or talking to your family and friends about this
good results only come if you've put in effort... have you?
don't feel depressed also no use
was this topic moved?