Last Sunday went for a jog, just a routine.
Dunno why aft the jog I felt a sharp pain at the side of my left knee.
Walked like a limp on Monday, and I got a toothache on Tuesday before my knee recovered. Double pain.
Took a painkiller which is for toothache and I got adverse drug reaction..drug allergy!! Eyeball swell up..Yes, eye ball, not eye lid!

Went to Tan Tock Seng and was warded the whole night on drip till next morning.
Got 2 days MC..but only rest a day on Wednesday bcoz got lots of work to be done. Tot I was recovering by Thursday.
Friday really work non-stop and by the time I stopped by 6 pm, hit by fever liao...from the toochache which became tooth infection.
Friday night I shivered dam very bad while sleeping...its was warm but I was shivering as if I was sleeping near sub zero!!

Woke up in the morning and started calling for dental help. Finally got Alexandra Hospital, and the dentist gave me anti-inflammation+aniti biotics+ MC.
Really suay man!! whole week full of illnesses!! Now I know why some ppl commit suicide aftyer getting many illnesses....

I wonder if I have kenna something 'dirty' or offended some Deity...or I am actually suffering from something bigger which is sparking off a series of tell tale signs??