Laydio Online.For DJ/VJs wannabe, we're currently recruiting new DJs and VJs.
We lost part of our old batch since Laydio's domain expired somewhere near Christmas.
Any interested parties, please send your application to
We will get back to you if you are selected.
Die die MUST have a microphone.
Guys should break voice, if not sound like a girl, not pleasant.
Voice should not be too grumpy, cause it's teens radio.
And of course, a wide selection of songs.
What are you waiting for? Apply now!
Old DJ/VJs(from Laydio) have a higher chance of being selected.
Site will be up before Chinese New Year. (hopefully)
Everyone is welcome to help spread the word out of SGForums.
And feel free to verify your doubts in this thread, PM me or E-mail us!
Wondering what's Laydio?
It's an online radio station which streams songs and where DJ/VJ chats on air with you guys and you guys can participate in call-in sessions(coming soon on season 2) and also chat with fellow Laydioers on the chat feature itself.
Laydio? Broken Ang Moh ar?
Yup, broken Ang Moh, but I like it, because that's how cute my Grandma pronouces it and I want to make everyone pronouce like her! =D
How much $ cost to listen?
Free, totally. Unless you're buying some Laydio products that would be coming out soon.

Thanks for reading, I hope it doesn't abide the rules here, if it does, im terribly sorry. o_o