Nice Sunny Funny day I had today... Was supposed to be up bright and early for a "meeting" (more of a seminar actually...) But I slept until two plus this noon. Well, I did go for the meeting yesterday... Ooh speaking of that meeting, so many people were there! Held at a hotel, and food provided, unfortunately when the time for break comes along... Let's just imagine a scene right out of an old chinese scary movie when the "gates of hell" opens and all the hungry ghost rushes out for the "food". Well, you get the picture...

The memory that stayed the longest...? There was this guy who told his friend... "Woah, at least let the guy [waiter] put it [food] down first lar"

After which, being a crowd-hater, I erm... escaped the seminar and went shopping in orchard, b*tching the whole damned time coz I was in heels (heels being the main torture device for gals and everything) and then salsa. Might actually be thinking of taking it up again. Inspired.....

That very well explained for late rising today. Then since I woke too late to attent the meeting (Thank goodness), I went to pasir ris with me friends. Tried learning to cycle but being the natural klutz that I so proudly am. I was screaming bloody murder the whole time. In the end, I reutrned the rented (not to mention- well tortured) bicycle to the guy at the kiosk, I summed up my entire experience with one well-phrased senence "There, I've finished walking your bicycle..." I mean, well... I did wheeled it around almost 1/2 of the time... Haiz~ Maybe one day....
Just maybe.