dear diary,
i have make my decision today...........i was so upset when i finally have to make this decision...
My dear jies,
di really dont wish to make this decision but got no chioce lor..
actually beside my attachment probs i also have some family probs.... dis happen a few yrs back during that time im reali down.....till the extend i dont wanna wish to live anymore...
things was like that during that time my dad encountered some probs in his job and was facing jobless situation and he was worried about the family till he was down with some health probs which till now hes still on medication....then during that time i decided to come out and work and i fight all the way till the position i have now the same time im stil studying but til now i reali cannot take it liao im reali reali very very tired liao....sometimes back i actually have the intention liao but till now i simply cant take it anymore which i decided to take dis path.....
im very very sad that i have to take dis path which i dont really wish to take......
some people thinks that im making a rush and harsh decision but im not ....hopefully these people will understand me one of these days...and hope that my jies will understand me too.........
And theres no 1 i can blame only myself to have this kind of life.....
in future if theres chance i will definitely continue on my studies....
which i really hope so............