they can be the pillar of ur life, they can be ur worst nightmare....
they are ur frens.... ur frens in need, ur frens who needs....
things are feeling so different.... yesterday, and today, frens... seem to have their own worlds, yet they connect with mine, thru some special magic that is placed in the air.....
it's this magic, that makes me close with them, whenever i'm down, i juz think of them, i get better, i feel better.....
there are times... the past juz flash in my mind, a flashback.... i juz can't shake off the fear, the coldness, the hurt.... it's juz haunting me.... but afterall... it's the past..... things that have shaped me today, things that make me close up on myself more and more... things that make me turn, and run, afraid to see the outcome, afraid to face up to what i could be doing, and can be doing....
the outcome of this fear, is self-pity, is hate, is anger, but that's all i can contain, in my heart...
frens... help me, unlock my heart, but, the more i feel, the more i become the me i used to be.... someone who is not good, someone who can be, and might be unpopular, strongly disliked.... i've worked hard to hold back, i will still hold back....until..... god knows when?
the paths i choose, often are difficult to travel upon, difficult to scale the heights to reach my destination.... in this way, i end up hurting myself more, hating myself more, mad at myself more.....yet... because of the frens i have around me...... i juz feel that i can carry on...
it's the ppl ard me, that makes me have a meaning in life anyways... not that i liked it that much since the time i locked my heart up. b4... the past me, the me that i have forgotten, i alwiz liked alot of things, my passion for singing, my passion for composing poems, to be lost in my own world, and yet still can bring smiles to ppl's faces... i can't seem to find that "me" anymore....
even if i can unlock the "me" that i have been seeking... i duno what's the outcome of it eventually... pain, hurt, sadness.... these 3 envelope my heart.... anger, hatred surrounds the 3 that hides the real me.

i'm a person of feeling, but i'm alwiz restricted in a funny way.... frens.. will be my life, without which, i'm as good as dead.....