4 timer? huh?Originally posted by Master -_-:piang eh.. my diary 4 timer is it?![]()
support u my friend!Originally posted by Spear:Welcome to the Sleepless Realm, dude.![]()
heh.. see lar.Originally posted by thhong22:yes, true love can b found, but it's hard to find....
pple always say the one u love most will not b the one u married
the one u married is juz someone u like alot....
hiaz watever it is, treasure wat u have now......
Heehee.. thanks.Originally posted by jOhO:support u my friend!![]()
hehe i will post in the general one to tok cock.. maybe post in this one for "heavier" stuff. ok like that?Originally posted by Spear:Heehee.. thanks.Butfrankly speaking, I didn't quite expect this place will turn out until like that, becomea library for diaries..
Ya lor. I'm using the 'Spear Edition' one for more serious posting also.Originally posted by jOhO:hehe i will post in the general one to tok cock.. maybe post in this one for "heavier" stuff. ok like that?
and then the rest of it is just doing "sleepless" activities.. like crapping!![]()
Originally posted by lilogirl:yo lilo. it's better now that u've FINALLY shown concern, or that i've finally received it.
Dear jOhO's diary......
p.s. hope the head's better...[/b]
your point?Originally posted by AzRaeL:this is a forum, not a bLog
Originally posted by jOhO:Dear Diary,
Life has an uncanny way of beating us down with burdens, yet still reminding us subtly that there is still joy in it. It's just whether we want to focus on the burdens, or the joys.
Still, the burdens have to be fixed. It's easy to bask in the joys, but things have to be done. Hope that I can fix those burdens, and not lose sight of the joys.
Hey, wake up, I'm talking to you!!
Geez... some diary you are....![]()
Dear jo diary,Originally posted by jOhO:Dear Diary,
My life is going downhill. To hell with optimism.
Tell En' she is a blessing to me. And ask her what "optimistic" means since I have no idea what that word is.
you see joho, i think that when someone tells you to do it 'that' way, that person usually thinks that 'that' way is better for you than the way you are doing..perhaps he doesnt really understand whats going on so 'that' way the person tells you might seemed weird to you, you have got to trust your own instinct..it doesnt matter if you don't understand what you are doing, take your time to understand it, you have got lots of time..if you dont understand it in 2 months, take 4 months and so on..then perhaps when you understand what you are doing, then you will know which way is better..i guess you might be feeling lost now? be strong will you? you are always strong, just that sometimes you forget that you are strong..take care little one..Originally posted by jOhO:DD,
i'm really tired.
apparently, the way i was made, i never do cry out for help. even when i was devastated 18 months ago i never really did cry out for help. but i sure am thankful i received it.
u see, sometimes it's not help one needs, it's understanding. it's just so much easier to go through sh[/i]it when someone ELSE knows why u have to do it. or why u are doing it this way, and not the "normal" way. everyone has a way of doing things, and while it may be wrong, it sure does help to know why, for some god-forsaken reason, the person has chosen to do it that way. often time, the person doesn't really know why either.
so when u tell a person to do it that way, because it's a "better" way, but in the first place, the person doesn't understand why he's doing it his way, isn't he gonna feel even worse? i mean he has no basis for comparison. he doesn't even understand wat he's doing, how is he to understand that another way is better?
that person is me.
good nite diary.