This stategy can let you in 2:24,if no hit the wall
My car just complete the basic tune and that is no need using any counter steering & 5 in 4 out.
All cornering just use gear 4 to turn except the 1st corner of 5 combo cornering.
Here the cornering speed for 4 check point
116km 114km (before check point i think can reach 140km)
114km 110km ,S corner 1st corner take OUT line 143km,2nd corner full torgue,3rd corner 142km(the speed depend what the line you getcha)
Follow is Dead right corner,when saw the red line need start braking already and the corner speed is 117km.
Need pay attention for the 1st corner,cornering speed is 118km,remember need early shift to gear 4 for this corner.
5 combo corner ,1st corner faster down to gear 3 & shift back to gear 4,corner speed 104km ,2nd 113km,3rd 108km,the 4th corner 118km
1st corner 118km,2nd corner need early turn steering a bit with full torgue 123km corner speed.
3rd corner need early releash oil pedal and down to gear 4,then you can reach inner of the corner with 130km,
the last 2nd corner sure can reach 154km,early releash oil pedal and step back on 147-8KM,the last corner use gear 5 to pass it with 141km.
Hope this topic can help those who interest in akina downhill snow