if the link is not working pls tell me it only lasts for 7 days and limited downloads..
Its a virus executable encased in a zip file.
moderator plz delete this member...the video failed to launch and ,ade my PC shutdown........BAN!
It wasn't a video, it was an executable.
ya....video file i dun think will be so small
then ditzy could u tell me what kind of virus is it?.....yester the PC was like hell...everything almost changed...lucky i got a access point for system restore so i actiavted that...dmg lesser....then overnight done 4 scans...all negative but i tink it is hiding coz i could reverse most of the change(b4 i restored hor..the virus sort of disable me from reversing some)
I don't know, I never executed the executable. The file name was so suspicious already. Although I know I'm using one of the better AV programs, I'm not testing it.
ZzZ~ iTs a fiLe whch makes ur com shut down by itself.. dun download it!!!!!
knn come here spread virus... go n die lah... heng never dl