anyone noe tis guy wif nick Kenzo....uses a lvl 17 bugged GC8V and lvl 3 FD3s...
??? haha why looking for him? lolx..
Originally posted by Bu`DoNg:
??? haha why looking for him? lolx..
aiyo...long story la...heard of him be4???
ya..heard of him b4..why? lolx.
Originally posted by Bu`DoNg:
ya..heard of him b4..why? lolx.
oh.....i abit du lan at him la.....fuck he lamer..... he better don let me see him again....
Bu`DoNg comment due to some things.:p
but arent u a anti lamer specialist? go clear him la..:p
anyway..relac la... there is lots of lamers out there tat i think is more jialat..hahaz..if id no lamers..den someting is funny..lolx..meanwhile juz enjoy the game..xD