I have recently made an 86 trueno at plan d...Will it pick up speed more faster than normal cars?
For my Trueno AE86 is pure Tune A 12000rpm.
4 Tune D Trueno AE86 8000rpm trubocharger
Originally posted by Tofu_TruenoAE86:
For my Trueno AE86 is pure Tune A 12000rpm.
4 Tune D Trueno AE86 8000rpm trubocharger
w00t....for the speed addict in all of us....
if i were u i would go for a tune A like me engine is very strong on akina Down and surprisingly akina up (for me) the engine is also realy fast on hapogahara usui and akagi SUCKS ASS ON IROHAZAKA so if i were u i would go for a tune A
forgot too metion there is one huge problem with it ( if u brake to much or crash like hell and the RPm goes below the 8,000 u are frekin screwed) Super slow acceleration when its below the 8,000 rpm just a tip